Spangbill's Suiside



Spangbill's Suiside


''Wunce upon atime i was working at McDuncealds Restrant an pizaria i made sum guy naemd Xx_36O_N0sCop4r_420Blaz1t_xX a burger and he sed Yo m8 u seem kek so lets watch sum Spangbill cuz i werk at nicklechodean. I went to his mum's basement and he sed m8 i fund this tape in my assho u wannta watch it? I sed to Xx_36O_N0sCop4r_420Blaz1t_xX sure m8. The frst fraem was of spangbill with Xx_P4TR1CK_xX and squidwanng doing a sex. Then it cut 2 statik of spangbill hunging squidwanng from his nipple peircein. Then Spangbill went to go smoke sum Dank Kush and 360 nosc0pe Xx_P4TR1CK_xX but suddently hyperrealistik blood splaters from spangbills pants cuz hes on his period, so he thought, but reely spangbill's rock hard veiny black cock whas cut off! he was spitting hyperrealistik blood all over when slenderman came in his butt with hyper realisk cum. then spangbibl died. Then Xx_36O_N0sCop4r_420Blaz1t_xX strtd jacking off in my bumhole and i was pregnet with 19 kids and kounting and all were midgets. then i 360 n0sc0p3d all my kids and i died. the end JK Then i was all like wtf hoe wy u jak off in my bumhole not funnt so i kikt his peenis in his vagina then i was bak at the McDuncealds cookin hard core cock for the chicken patiies while i sang Fresh prince of dik butt. Then a man named PATRIXXX showed up and i stabbed him in the face till he said No Son. Then he left and i cuntinued singing.''

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside-down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became a prince with a dick in my butt
In West Philadelphia, born and raised
On a playground is where I put dicks in my butt
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool and all
Puttin' some dicks right up into my butt
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started puttin' dicks in my butt
I got in one little dick and my mom got scared
And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle to-get-dicks-in-your-butt"
I begged and pleaded with her, day after day
But she grabbed a dick and put it in my butt
She gave me a dick and up my butt did I stick it
I put my walkman on and said "I might as well dick it"
First class, yo, this is bad
Drinkin' semen drippin' out of my ass
Is this what the people of Dickbutt live like?
Hmmm... a dick in my butt
But wait, I hear the dicky, butt-butt and all that
Is this the kind of dick to get put in my butt?
I don't think so, I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared to put a dick in my butt
Well ah
The plane landed and when I came out
There was this dude looked like a cop standin' there with his dick out
I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet, I just got here
Sprang with the dickness and jumped in his rear
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said "BUTTS" and there were dicks in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought, "Nah, forget it, yo dick, in my butt!"
I pulled up to the house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes, dick me later!"
Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there
To sit on my throne, with a dick in my butt
Then LOLSkeleons and PATRIXXX beat up the

''Fresh Prince of Dik Butt, and he burned like a bomb and exploded. And then 666 SKARY DICK BUTTS FUCKED SANIC LIKE AN''